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About PTSA

Oakton HS has a very active PTSA. We meet 8 times each school year and work closely with Dr. Banbury and his staff to address issues of interest to the parent community so that we can do our part to help make Oakton HS a great learning environment for our growing children. Through your membership support, we are able to accomplish a great deal:

The PTSA meets on the first Wednesday of the month (except December and January) during the school year at 7:00 PM in the OHS Library, unless otherwise noted. Meetings are open to everyone.


If you haven't already, please consider joining PTSA. Memberships are our main source of funding (membership is valid for the current school year) and help support our many worthwhile programs. Membership forms are available here.

Volunteer Opportunities

Many volunteer opportunities are available. Get involved, meet other parents, find out what's happening at OHS and help make your student's experience at Oakton even better! Check out our volunteer form for a list of available opportunities and instructions on volunteering.

Last Update: 9/28/2011